Before the Future Came

Before the future came, and hunger and need and want disappeared…

Melissa Avery-Weir, Gregory Avery-Weir, and Dr. Lucy Arnold look at the ideals of Star Trek as we voyage from one episode or film to the next, following a breadcrumb trail of motifs. How is the universe portrayed in Star Trek a truly egalitarian utopia, and how does the world subtly uphold the hegemonic values of our present day?

Our Continuing Mission…

To explore the Star Trek canon out of order; to seek out setting connections and thematic threads; to boldly go on an ideological journey.

It’s Not Linear…

Each episode explores one work in the Star Trek canon, and at the end we discover what we’ll be looking at next. We pick some connection from the current episode—a culture, a narrative theme, an episode trope—and pick something to discuss next that shares that element.

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations…

We love Star Trek, and we know it’s far from perfect. We’re enthralled with its audacious vision of a society without poverty or prejudice, and painfully aware of how it falls short of portraying that goal. We think that science fiction is at its best when it is both a joy to experience and a political challenge to those of us in the contemporary world.

Millions of worlds, all with too much of one, and not enough of the other…

Like Spock, we are abolitionist: it’s wrong to glorify organized violence yet imprison those who employ it privately. Like Picard, we are anticapitalist: we believe in working to better ourselves and humanity instead of to acquire wealth. Like Rom, we are socialist: we believe in workers taking control of their lives, dignity, and profits. Like Burnham, we think queer: we believe that sometimes down is up and logic is not binary.

avatar for MelissaMelissa

they/them Melissa Avery-Weir is a web and game developer. They live over at and

Avatar photoGregory

they/them Gregory Avery-Weir is a writer and game developer. You can find their website at

avatar for LucyLucy

she/they Lucy Arnold is a writer, educator, and prison abolitionist. You can check out their blog over at