Tag: holodeck

S01E11. Inquisition

I can assure you: this is no game. Melissa brings “Inquisition,” the 18th episode of Season 6 of Deep Space Nine, written by Bradley Thompson and David Weddle and directed by Michael Dorn, the actor of Worf; one of only four episodes of Star Trek he directed. Like Elite Force, this episode contains a lot of questionable military ethics. We...

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S01E07. Crisis Points

These graphics are mindblowing! Gregory brings “Crisis Point,” the ninth episode of season one of Lower Decks, written by Ben Rodgers and directed by Bob Suarez; and “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus,” the eighth episode of season three, written by Ben Rodgers and directed by Michael Mullen. Like “Subspace Rhapsody,” these episodes engage in a specific genre: here, the action movie....

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